Sunday, June 30, 2024

Cancer patient's device active under rubble after Israeli strike kills her

End the occupation of Palestine today!

UK Rescues Netanyahu At International Criminal Court; Blocks Arrest Warr...

Yet, we all see clearly that Israel and her helpers are committing genocide of the people of Palestine. Even if the ICC changes its decision, we know the truth. I would be shocked if the ICC does change and believe more should have arrest warrants.

Meet Renad, a 10-year-old chef charming the internet with cooking videos...

Renad Attalah is fabulous! Thank you for sharing her information. I will look her up too! The drones overhead are so horrible. May the people of Palestine be free today!

Hamas Gives Another Bad News To Israel, U.S. On Fresh Ceasefire Proposal...

The deal is like....... if a woman is getting beat by her man..... she goes to the police..... and is trying to be free..... the police tell her..... he says he will quit beating you for a few days, then he will start again..... she does not want that.... but the police start blaming her for not accepting this deal..... End the occupation..... Do was promised back in 1948.... or 1967..... free Palestine and make the country a sovereign state!

Saturday, June 29, 2024

'I finally got to embrace my husband as a free man': Stella Assange

Sky news interviewer is a jerk. Thank you, Stella and Jen, for being very tactful and not getting thrown by this man!

Africa Matters: Kenya policing Haiti

Kenyan police murdered their own people, what are they going to do in Haiti?

Video shows terrified family evacuating their home after Israeli strike

So terrifying, where does a person run to? End the occupation today, forever!

INVINCIBLE RESISTANCE: IDF Commander’s Statement On Rafah Is A Damning I...

Too many people making money off the actions upon the Palestine people, and everyone else Israel is fighting, and it seems the IDF is being used by greedy sadistic liars who don't care about anyone but themselves. Sadly, the Palestine people are suffering and being blown to bits by the destructive force against life...... we must continue our focus on life, and the ethics of a free Palestine where her people have fresh food, clean water and are safe forever starting today!

Migrants were burned, beaten, raped at cartel stash house, feds say | Ne...

Why do I get the feeling the USA is behind this as a psy-op?

Putin's Aide Gifts New Homes To Gazans In Russia's Chechen Region Amid I...

This is fabulous, at least 200 Palestine people are safe for this moment! Thank you to all who helped with this beautiful gift for humanity!

California announces largest land return in state's history

The Indigenous people of Northern Wisconsin do forestry and keep it beautiful there! This is beautiful land, and yes, the trees will connect with humans! Thank you to the tribal people for sharing this information with us, and I am thrilled you were able to buy this land, which I am assuming was a huge amount of money! This is fabulous news!

Israeli tanks open fire on civilians attempting to flee the al-Mawasi ar...

Sometimes I wish a solar flare or something would happen that would totally disable all weapons forever! We have to continue using any means possible to free the Palestine people from occupation, and to make sure everyone on the planet feels safe, has clean water, fresh food, safety and can live in peace!

Lightning strikes at least 9 homes within blocks of each other over seve...

He is talking BS, either he doesn't know anything real about why, or he is covering up what he knows.

"Isreal's occupation of Palestinian territory is a violation of internat...

Paul Reichler is stating what we see clearly too, now, what are we going to do to free the people of Palestine and let them have what is rightfully theirs?

Friday, June 28, 2024

Battles rage in north Gaza as Palestinian fighters ambush Israeli troops

Both sides are Semitic people. One side got told they were better than the other side, and they are being manipulated into destruction and killing, keeping the money flowing for those who control the game. Imagine for just a moment if they realized they are family of each other and started working to build a beautiful home for all of them, with fresh food, clean water and a safe place to live forever for all of them! Imagine if they decided to not be controlled by haters! These are all beautiful people with deep passion and shared ancient history!

Gaza aid pier dismantled again, and other top headlines

The Pier info starts at 1:36. Where is the money really going? Israel sells weapons too!!!!! Free Palestine, stop terrorizing the world, start doing some real good for the people of USA and those around the world, rather than kill and destruction...... this is for sure a spiritual war..... on many levels..... it does not matter what religion you are, or if you are even religious... it is about life and purposeful horrible destruction of that life, rather than respect and gratitude of it.

Is The US Deceiving Its Enemies? | “We Sent Israel 14,000 MK-84 1,000KG ...

Thank you for the update. The weapons sent by USA make it sound like Israel is fighting off thousands of soldiers daily.... like a crazy sci-fi movie, rather than old people, women and children with no weapons, olive trees, goats, and a few men...... Israel also sells weapons.... isn't that interesting too?

SCOTUS rules against the homeless

Most of us could easily become homeless. We need a real solution, not outlaw something that can happen to people. Many of the homeless are women who left abusive relationships, the elderly and vets. The channel Redacted did a story on the number of facilities being built in every state that don't seem to make sense..... perhaps that is their plan..... incarceration on a mass scale?

Greatest Palestinian Tragedy Since the NAKBA: UNRWA Commissioner-General...

I see this as a plan to keep rolling out the war machine, some will profit, and many will die, unless we stop it. Once they are done here, they will move to another place, maybe your home, maybe Europe, maybe USA, it doesn't matter. As long as human suffering can be produced, great destruction and untold horrors to feed the monsters, it will continue. I say, free Palestine today, start the campaign to free us all! Love to all!

JUST IN: Trump Says Chuck Schumer Is 'Jewish But Has Become A Palestinia...

Trump clearly is saying it is wrong to be a Palestine person! What a racist comment that is! Also, Trump arranged the leaving Afghanistan before he left, leaving Biden to deal with it. Either way...... genocide is wrong, and USA should not be paying to blow people to pieces with their taxes, or their lives.

(Dante wrote title to this mirror) IF (!!!) this was to happen, remember: There are plenty of KARISTUS livi...

My friend posted this mirror of the video from Redacted channel, the link is in the description. 

Supreme Court allows cities to enforce bans targeting homeless people sl...

We already know USA has more homeless than any other country, USA has people who are hungry every day, jobs shipped to other countries, people can be working yet not be able to afford a place to sleep...... what kind of answer is this to a problem, it is only an answer to make the problem seem invisible.

Israel lets 19 kids who are sick or injured leave Gaza

None of this transportation would have had to happen if there was not a genocide going on in Palestine by Israel and her sadistic profiteers.

JUST IN: Speaker Johnson Takes Victory Lap After SCOTUS Rules On Jan. 6 ...

If anyone was going to fit into the role of a perfect politician with good looks, clear speaking abilities, and total arrogance and condensation of the citizens, Mike Johnson fits without the slightest hair out of place!

Protests erupt in Tangier after Morocco allows Israeli warship to dock

Wow! Morocco people are courageous and loving!

Trump Declares 'Ukraine Won't Win' War Against Russia, Rips Biden's Fore...

We should have all the candidates debating, not just these two. Of course, the money being sent to Ukraine, and the lives lost is insane, and needless.... Ukraine is fighting in Sudan too, that doesn't get public news.

Biden and Trump debate over Israel and Gaza

Neither one of them seem to be bothered about US weapons killing Palestine children, JFK is also pro-Israel. Is that what the American citizens want done with their tax money? I don't, and I live in USA. And why are only these two debating when we have others who are running for president too?

Thursday, June 27, 2024

CIA Behind Bolivia Coup Bid? Russia Makes Sensational Claim; Iran Calls ...

Hmmm. The comments on this video are very interesting...... here is one: 
The US instigated many coups in recent history. Too many to count. I will list a few. 1893 Hawaii, 1933 Cuba, 1953 Iran, 1954 Guatemala, 1960-1965 Congo, 1961 The Dominican Republic, 1963 South Vietnam, 1964 Brazil, 1973 Chile, Australia 1975, 1981-90 Nicaragua, Ukraine 2014 etc.

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant Confronted by Palestinian activist...

Thank you darling for saying what so many of us believe and feel!

Doctors in #Gaza facing horrific decisions, says MSF's Dr. Amber Alayyan

Thank you for all your love and courage Dr. Amber Alayyan and all who help the people of Palestine! The world will instantly choose good over evil, and the Palestine people will be safe and free, on their own land, with fresh food and clean water, starting today!

Learn What *REALLY* Happened | Lahaina Fire | Maui Community Investigation

I signed the petition and am sharing this with all I can! Thank you very much!

"Write my name on my leg, Mama" A Voice Against Oblivion: Zeina Azzam's ...

The thing is..... this is real, and what the Palestine people were doing...... but, sometimes the people are blown to bits or burnt so bad that they are unrecognizable. Give the Palestine people their rightful freedom and a sovereign country where they can grow fresh food, have clean water, and be safe to sleep, forever, and do it today!

Singapore ramps up clean-up efforts after oil spill

This stuff is so horrible, I was by one once on the West Coast of USA, it feels like mayonnaise but smells horrible, like gas...... These poor animals and plants! The accident didn't happen because of the Red Sea issues, it was an accident that could have happened anywhere in the world. We need to continue supporting those who are trying to help the Palestine people. Love to all!

Palestinians in occupied West Bank suffer severe water crisis

Thank you, Faten, for your report!

U.S. State Department Pressed On Hind Rajab’s Killing For Four Months St...

Right at 2:50, Miller has a twitch on his left upper lip...... first time I noticed on him..... This journalist, Prem Thakker is fabulous!

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Mother of hostage softens stance after meeting rescued abductee Noa Arga...

Sometimes I feel like both sides are being used by the Zionists, Christian and Jewish Zionists. All families love each other and want each other safe. Peace is needed!

Alarming 155% Surge in Child Violations in Gaza: UN Calls for Immediate ...

When is there going to be a real stop to these crimes? Talking about things we all see does nothing. I will remain focused on a Palestine being free of the occupation and the people of Palestine being safe forever as they rebuild lives with fresh food, clean water, and safe places to play and sleep!

بعد كل حرب بنعمرها بمدة قصيرة ( جملة قالتها بنوتة بتحب بلدها 🇵🇸Several years of bombing

I will not lose focus on Palestine people being free of the occupation to live on their land, safe from attacks forever!

غزة قبل السابع من اكتوبر “Gaza before October 7th


Video shows Israeli military dog mauling elderly Palestinian woman amid ...

Besides stealing the land and property, a dog? F...ers! They could have picked up that tiny woman, but no..... they use torture techniques..... now she has wounds that might get infected too! Why is this group still allowed to continue? How deep do the tentacles go?

First group of security personnel from Kenya arrives in Haiti to lead UN...


UN security council urges Israel to halt illegal settlements in West Bank

They have to be stopped, talking is not doing a thing! Why is that? Just how much money is under the covers that we don't know about? What is really going on? This is very deep.... and will probably shock us all when we know....... something as deep as.... is it the dark aliens? What is it? What makes sense? This sure doesn't!

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Israeli air strike kills 10 family members of Hamas chief Haniyeh in Gaza

The dark ones are trying to break this man, and the Palestine people, and many of us. Many believe this is a spiritual war..... then, our love is powerful, and we must continue to remain focused on it, and our vision of free Palestine people, with fresh foods, clean water and a safe sovereign country where they are free from harm, and free to laugh with their loved ones!

Several shot dead during protests in Kenyan capital of Nairobi - BBC News

Yikes! Things change when police start killing people! That reporter has a lot of courage!

Kenya's president deploys military to crack down on tax protests

Yikes! Now Kenya security is also sent to Hati!

Wikileaks’ Julian Assange freed after long legal battle | Al Jazeera New...

Yes, they had him by the b**ls, and now they have all journalists by the ba**s.... wait, can I say that..... I am going to delete a few letters and hope you understand!

No more bombs for Netanyahu.

Israel sells weapons to many countries..... they don't need USA funding or weapons..... USA is broke with a HUGE debt...... and Palestine children are getting burnt to death or blown to pieces..... USA I thought stood for good, not murder and destruction.... Its time to do the right thing USA, not worry about more profits, and no having sadistic fun by destroying life!

Switzerland Condemns Israeli Settler Attacks in Gaza at UN Middle East B...

I don't understand why there these meetings when nothing is being done to improve the situations for the Palestine people, and Israel continues to slaughter, destroy and do whatever it wants to do. Who pays these people? There are UN Peacekeepers that come from different countries within the UN membership, why don't we send them to make sure food and supplies at least get in?

US Weapons Deliveries En Route After Netanyahu Criticism

Israel doesn't need US weapons or money; they sell weapons to many places around the world! Google it, it is shocking! Netanyahu makes it sound like he can't blow up any more children if US doesn't send them, this is ridiculous!

Several killed as Kenyan police open fire on anti-tax bill protesters

Wow, very intense. This video is very toned down. I hope the people find a way to get what they want, and not have any more harmed! 

Bisan shares a glimpse into daily life in a displacement camp in #Gaza |...

It isn't enough, but one tomato will be delicious! It is hope, it is energy, it is better than just waiting, it is strong and courage and everything good! Thank you for sharing!

US Envoy to UN says Israeli Settlements in West Bank Dent Two-State Solu...

Israel did not agree on the deal, and they want to keep fighting..... we need a permanent ceasefire and end to the occupation of the Palestine people! This woman needs a little more coffee..... Hamas is trying to protect the Palestine people from the brutal occupation that has been harming them for decades..... they are not the problem.

WikiLeaks founder leaves UK after entering plea deal with US

We need investigators and journalists to have the rights to speak freely! I am glad Julian will be out of prison and look forward to seeing a few pictures of him with his family enjoying living!

Descendants of Black Seminoles celebrate Juneteenth in Mexico! | Radar 2021

Video shows gunmen shooting in Russia's Makhachkala | REUTERS


Video shows gunmen shooting in Russia's Makhachkala | REUTERS

Reopening of key roads in Yemen reignites hope for freedom

Wow! I hope Yemen has enough for everyone to eat fresh foods, have clean water, and have safe places to play, work and sleep with no worries of harm.

Biden administration is withholding weapons from Israel: Rep. Scott Fran...

Israel has so many weapons, they don't need to worry, and US is not the only place they get them. They sell weapons to many countries, including USA, China, Iran, India, and many, many more. They also train groups. They make and sell planes and A1 technology too. The game is silly, the citizens are not told most of what is going on!

Monday, June 24, 2024

Long COVID condition gets a new definition

Whether or not it was spread as a biological weapon.... the symptoms are real for those experiencing them, and need to be talked about, recognized and the people helped. Many seem to be needing something like disability coverage to survive. We need Medicare for all because healthcare should cover everyone! Love to everyone!

Julian Assange to plead guilty to violating Espionage Act

If Julian is actually going to be free, finally, I will be so happy! What a relief for all journalists of truth!

Israel removed ‘pillar’ from Gaza’s health system by killing Hani al-Jaa...

Mr. Hani Al-Jaafrawi is another murder that is specific targeting and is sadistic demon like behavior that makes Israel and those who have provided money and weapons to Israel look like monsters. These types of attacks have frightening ramifications for all the world, for example USA sends police to Israel for training. Thank you for the report Taruq!

'I'll Be Blunt...': Kaine Questions State Department Official On Humanit...

It is insufficient because of Israel..... If the aid workers keep getting targeted, it is difficult to distribute aid, if the trucks can't get in because they are being stopped, the aid can not get in, if the crossings are blocked, aid will not get in, if the drivers are even being beaten and shot, aid will not get in......... USA credibility has gone down for a while..... sending weapons to Israel, still....... and letting the Palestine people get blown to bits or starve..... while the whole world watches..... brings USA credibility down!

Israel Latest: Netanyahu Says Major Operations in Gaza Will End ‘Very Soon’

Why is it that this man gets to choose if there will be a cease fire or not? Just make it happen! Free Palestine from the occupation and make them a sovereign state and keep their people safe! If the world can make a country and call it Israel..... We can certainly make Palestine as the 1967 agreement with Jerusalem as its capital and make all the settlers leave! It is so ridiculously simple! No more attacks, no more hostages from Israel or Palestine, peace in the Red Sea, no more killing of people in that whole area, no more ruining agriculture land! Open the walls up, free the water that has been diverted to Israel, bring in help to rebuild and free us all!

Netanyahu says war will continue even if ceasefire deal agreed with Hamas

Those kids with no shoes trying to get firewood, or anything to use, walking on broken pieces of everything is so horrible, besides of course the blowing of humans to pieces and mass destruction. Why does Netanyahu get to pick if and when there is a ceasefire?