Friday, December 31, 2021

Father & Son RESTORE 300-year-old Barn.. [80 Day Timelapse]

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Dome shaped buildings gaining ground in Oklahoma, considered tornado proof

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Stratospheric Infusion 122921

Hello. I recently found out that another term for chem-trails is  

Stratospheric Infusion. I also found the reason that stratospheric infusion is

considered as a possibility for improving the climate, however, I do not

believe it is a good idea to add to the problems in the atmosphere that are

already there. I am curious what you think.
I have been doing some research on the topic and the links are included

Ramond M. McInturff, 1978, Stratospheric Warmings: Synoptic, Dynamic and

General-Circulation Aspects. PDF

Short explaination of the PDF above is in this link:
Sudden Stratospheric Warming (includes parts of several writings).

Montreal Protocol, from Encyclopedia of Toxicology (Third Edition), 2014

Jeff Tollefson, 2018, First sun-dimming experiment will test a way to coll

Utibe Effiong and Richard L. Neitzel, 2016,  Assessing the direct

occupational and public health impacts of solar radiation management with

stratospheric aerosols.
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Friday, December 24, 2021

Dr. Said She’d Die, Instead She Bought a Farm

Material Looks Make Me Question My Value made 2011

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

π“π‘πž 𝐌𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐈𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐌𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐅𝐨𝐫 π”π§π―πšπ±π±πžπ 𝐏𝐞𝐨𝐩π₯𝐞! π“π‘πž 𝐋𝐒𝐠𝐑𝐭 π…π¨π«πœπžπ¬ π“π«πšπ§π¬π¦π’...

Meanwhile in Sweden....

Monday, December 20, 2021

Shocking Korean Culture: MIXED Sleep

Thursday, December 16, 2021

It Was Happening Way Back Then BeePeeOilDisaster Tribute 2021

BeePeeOilDisaster Tribute Memories and Recordings
Links below All credits given to YouTube Channels in links
Near the Sun
Under the Ocean
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 This video and audio are prohibited for any republication or reproduction and all rights are reserved.
ALL COPYRIGHTS OBSERVED: This channel recognizes that full rights to this and/or other online sources providing free information on public forums such as/including YouTube. This information on this channel is being shared for educational and enlightenment purposes only and is not, in any way, being used for commercial gain. ALL COPYRIGHTS ACKNOWLEDGED, FOR
EDUCATIONAL/INFORMATIONAL/ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY FAIR USE NOTICE: These videos may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 107 of the US Copyright Law. I'm citing "Fair Use" under US Copyright Act, Title 17 512 (g)(f), specifically those clauses covering Comment and Criticism, as well as the DMCA.

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Danger!!! High Winds Possible Tornado USA121621 and record breaking 60 d...

Amazing 60 degree F. weather in Wisconsin today, December 15th 2021. Big changes coming with possible damaging wind and tornados.
Links are below:
Earth Null School;t=3;s=0;o=0;b=;ts=0;
College of DuPage
El Dorado Weather
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This video and audio are prohibited for any republication or reproduction and all rights are reserved.
ALL COPYRIGHTS OBSERVED: This channel recognizes that full rights to this and/or other online sources providing free information on public forums such as/including YouTube. This information on this channel is being shared for educational and enlightenment purposes only and is not, in any way, being used for commercial gain. ALL COPYRIGHTS ACKNOWLEDGED, FOR EDUCATIONAL/INFORMATIONAL/ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLYFAIR USE NOTICE: These videos may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 107 of the US Copyright Law. I'm citing "Fair Use" under US Copyright Act, Title 17 512 (g)(f), specifically those clauses covering Comment and Criticism, as well as the DMCA.

Family Recounts Being Thrown in Air by Kentucky Tornado

Mayfield, KY Nighttime Tornado Footage caught on camera ! #MayfieldKent...

Monday, December 13, 2021

Shoes Distribution In The Poorest Province Of Pakistan

Such beautiful children, and such a wonderful thing, to give them these shoes, and the expressions like, "wow, this company made these for you!" A lot of love in this video. I will share with all I can!

Fidel Castro Speech in Harlem (1995)

Line 22:00

Saturday, December 11, 2021


This looks so much like weather Geo-engineering! (Sort of like gain of function with viruses only with the weather). Absolute horror for those people! I send love and hope those injured heal quick, and that everyone find shelter, warmth, food and water!

Gravitas Plus: Western museums must return stolen artefacts

Monday, December 06, 2021

Women Need to Learn the Art of Self Defense

Women Need to Learn the Art of Self-Defense


When I watched the desperateness of people trying to leave Afghanistan after America spent 20 years there under the idea of protecting them, I was so angry. I was especially saddened by the potential for women to lose their rights and be harmed. America did nothing to teach these people how to protect themselves and just kept their power over them, as I see it, by being the β€˜protectors’. I see this frame of mind as one of the controllers and not a way to give people their freedom.

I believe that to protect others means to teach them how to survive, rather than keeping them victims. So many lives were lost on all sides that could have been prevented if everyone was taught ways to protect themselves. I don’t think America wanted to teach the Afghanistan people how to defend themselves, however, because Americans' presence was a threat, rather than a comfort. America did not want the Afghanistan people to be free, which is my belief.

I also believe the same philosophy should be applied to all individuals, so people are as safe as possible in many situations. The news is full of victims of crime or domestic violence, which I believe could be decreased if individuals were supported and taught methods of self-defense.

This video is to show a few examples of women who stood up and fought as well as methods that common people used to protect themselves. I highly recommend watching the link provided below on martial arts. Blessings to all.

Links below:

martial fighters 2, (2021, March 10). Budo: The Art of Killing (1978) - martial arts full documentary - documentaire sur les arts martiaux [video}. YouTube.


 Puchko, K. (2017, March 5). Nine female warriors who made their mark on history. Mental Floss.


gabehs 1. (n.d.). Japanese women practicing the art of naginata-jutsu [video]. YouTube.


M. (2014, June 30). Trieu Thi Trinh. Badass ladies of history.


Bozogmehr, N. (2021, August 16). 'No guarantee for our security’: Afghan women fear the worst under Taliban rule. Financial Times.   Image from Reuters


Paul, D. (2018, November 18). U.N. finds the deadliest place for women is their home. The Washington Post.


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