Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Five-Million Year-Old Man-Made Lens Found? šŸ•¶ļø

Look at this link to another site at I would like to add this link I found, please look at 5:49 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDqgTfEhkgE

Alleged Abductee Shows Physical 'Proof'

There is a 60 min show where the reporter is interviewing John E. Mack who is a professor, and they really try to make him sound crazy, but, he wrote 2 books about this sort of thing after he came to believe that these experiences are real. He  has a website and there is no charge for information for anyone that is interested.

Monday, March 28, 2022

Gravitas Plus: The story of Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Azov Regiment On Ukraine Russia Frontline l Putinā€™s Denazification Goal ...

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

A History of Eastern Europe: Ukraine-Russia Crisis

This is from 2017.

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

My coming out as an Actress 1

Mugabe Scary UN Speech Warning the World About NATO

His Excellency Robert Mugabe, President of the Republic of Zimbabwe

The CIA's Secret Genocide in Guatemala

What an interestingly well done video, even if the topic is horrible, it is well said.

Sunday, March 20, 2022

This is how financial freedom dies (CBDC)

Russians arrive at Mexico border to seek asylum in US | Rush Hour

Surprise! Coming thru Mexico!

Saturday, March 19, 2022

New Jersey Couple Finds Pearl Worth Thousands During Dinner At The Lobst...

Man, that place is going to have business pick up!!!!!

Friday, March 18, 2022

Updated Information: How to Become a Nevada Resident Super Cheap and Easy!

Tucker: Why are we funding this?

Deepfake of Zelenskyy Tells Ukrainian Troops to ā€˜Surrenderā€™

hahahahahaha, now, we really don't know which of any of them are real!

Holi celebration in Vrindavan: India celebrates the festival of colours ...

10K Pages of Pfizer Docs Reveal 158K Adverse Events, 42K Case Reports, 1...

In some parts of the world, the war in Ukraine seems justified

In some parts of the world, the war in Ukraine seems justified: Some people spread across a range of countries do not accept the good versus evil scenario presented by the United States and Europe.

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Ukrainian Fascist Leader Speaks in US Congress, While Nazis Launch Racis...

This video is from 2019.

'Switchblade' Drones Included In New U.S. Military Aid Package For Ukraine

But.... with US citizen tax payer money..... the USA is not going to get involved..... in the fighting..... who's cousin owns the weapons factory?

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

New Earth Insights - Ep #19: Khazaria's End, The Energies of March + Q&A

18:00 will calm you a little

Adronis - The Span of Change (2016-2024)

March 2022 is when I am listening. Interesting. More and more people are eating less meat because it is too expensive! Digital currency is becoming very real. I needed to hear the parts about how I need to look inside, which I believe is always important, but, I need it right at this moment, and am glad I came on here, led by a new subscriber, which led me to this video, no coincidences!

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

USA Military Patents "Plasma UFO's?" šŸ›ø

This could be used to project many things, besides UFOs, so people would not know what is real and what is not, such as another county attacking, or natural disasters, or crop devastation, or ..... on and on and on....

Monday, March 14, 2022

Cat Insisting On Me Opening the Door 20220306

This cat is so intelligent, he talks to me and shows me what he wants. We found him in a cage we had set out to trap the animals that were getting into my roof, and so he wanted our house to live in. He does the same hand gesture before he drinks water too. Oddly, he can not figure how to cover his trail when he uses the litter box, and puts his paws outside doing this same movement, which does not cover anything. He is cute, and friendly, so we feed him and let him sleep inside. Recording made by me, and no permission is given to copy.

Monday, March 07, 2022

I turn a bunch of old CDs into a SOLAR PANEL for your home | Homemade Fr...

Russia demands guarantee from the US as Vienna talks reach a critical st...

People, don't be so simple, this is a complicated game...USA and NATO have been playing these countries for many years, just like they played the Native Americans and so many others, now they are playing you too! Dig a little deeper, ask what is the agenda here that you are not being told. Don't just buy the first lollipop when you walk in the store, look around a little..... there might be a sinister reason to get you in the store!

Sunday, March 06, 2022

The far-right group threatening to overthrow Ukraine's government - News...

2015.... so much has been going on that many of us do not know, unless we dig a little. I may be wrong, but, there is much that I did not know.

Friday, March 04, 2022

Friends couldnā€™t afford apartments. Bought the building instead

This is brilliant and so loving!