Thursday, July 04, 2024

UN slams 'unacceptable' treatment of Palestinian detainees

The commercial I got for this video is called Don't drop the soap...... very inappropriate considering the subject matter! Israel will not listen to any of this. The occupation needs to end, and Palestine needs to be protected from the Zionist brutality and terror! USA has a law under the homeland security from 9/11 that permits the same thing of all citizens, and many are not aware of it.

Big Action Against Israel By Saudi, 21 Arab Nations Over Palestine's Occ...

I am not going to complain...... thank you!

Uncle carrying his niece, Ghazal, Palestinian girl who killed in attack,...

There is no good reason for the beautiful Palestine people to be murdered, we will continue our focus on a free Palestine with fresh food, clean water and safety to live without fear of attacks forever starting today!

Israel accelerates largest Palestinian land grab in over 30 years

Israel keeps making enemies! Israel is the bully, the cheater, the liar that no one wants as friends, but because there is something USA wants in Israel freezer, they continue their but kissi...... Many of the rest of us are not going to do that and want Palestine to be free forever, and be safe forever!

Hamas says leader in touch with mediators on Gaza ceasefire deal proposal

Thank you, Hind! I feel the same way about the talks, I don't trust it until it is actually a permanent ceasefire with the troops out of Gaza. The scenes in this video are horror! I appreciate you keeping us updated! Palestine people remain lions, but they need freedom to have fresh food, clean water, and to live safely forever starting today!

Wednesday, July 03, 2024

July Gaza Vegetable Baskets Distribution

Love to all who have helped with this wonderful food for the people of Palestine! Oh, this made me cry! What a blessing to have some fresh food, but these lovely Palestine people should not be treated so bad, they are clean spiritual loving people and have pride and deserve dignity as all humans. Let's focus on making our world better so all life is respected and treated well. Free Palestine, free us all!

Israeli propaganda tactics exposed: From paid ads to Kela Shlomo

Thank you!

Big Win For Hezbollah As U.S. Confirms IDF, Netanyahu Not In Control Of ...

If all the Israel people left, there would be a big problem because. the IDF is too violent, other countries don't want violent child killing criminals!

Prisoner released after 21 years, describes inhumane conditions in Israe...

21 years, wow, and he can feel the breeze of the sea on his face with his grandson, that itself is a blessing. How wonderful to have such a loving man for a grandfather! I am sorry his daughter has been killed and I want Palestine to be free now and forever!

Cambodian court jails environmentalists accused of anti-state activities

Young beautiful people shouldn't go to jail for wanting nature to be protected. I don't know the whole story, but I hope they get released soon and are safe!

Israel to restore power to Gaza desalination plant

Is this real? Is this recent, like this week? So, you are saying they are restoring the water, so diseases don't spread to Israel rather than just out of humanity?

Top Hezbollah terrorist killed, 100 rockets fired at Israel in retaliation

I don't think they care that much who they kill and destroy, or if they are committing crimes, just so they can continue destruction and making profits, and a story that sounds good to Western media.

Israel assassinates high ranking Hezbollah commander

Western news ...... no mentioning of fact of an illegal bombing of Muhammad Ni’Mah Nasser, no mention of the fact of illegal theft of Palestine property, no mention of the US backed money and weapons for the destruction Israel is committing daily and the Palestine lives blown to pieces..... Hezbollah fighting for the rights of the Palestine people, not even a terrorist group in many countries except USA and European.... I am frankly terrified at how easily leaders are assassinated by Israel and USA as if they are doing something legitimate and decent.

Israel approves new plan to demolish more Palestinian buildings

It is still illegal as per the rest of the world. But, for this man and his family, and many others, now they face homelessness and lose independence. Palestine people must have their rights to a sovereign state starting today, be free of the occupation and safe from the destructive sadistic actions of the Zionists!

Israeli Settlers Go Berserk: 500 Border Police Attacked With Molotov Coc...

So Israel is tearing down an illegal outpost that is on Palestine land, and yet are also tearing down Palestine homes on their own land...... sort of irrational......

Maui Silenced While The Lahaina Fire Anomalies Speak Loudly | Spinnaker ...

Love to you Eric and all those with you! The reality is almost too much to deal with, and yet.... we must!

Palestinians experience ‘unbearable conditions’ in West Bank camp amid I...

I am sorry you are being treated these ways and I know you will be free; the world sees and is doing everything they can from many different angles! You are not alone!

Patients and medics evacuate European Hospital in Khan Younis

Israel is playing as many games as possible, so horrible. I am glad you got everyone out even though I know it means those who get hurt now will not be able to go to you. But, it is important you all save your own lives if possible! Love to Palestine!

Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Part 2 AJE Gaza Abductees

Thank you for the update. USA has the same Administrative Arrest thing that is connected to homeland security, where they can take you, not tell you why, not have to notify anyone, and hold you indefinitely..... and with children, where they do not have to notify parents..... most people do not know that! Free us all, and end the occupation in Palestine forever, and keep the people of Palestine safe, forever beginning today!

Somalia peacekeepers withdrawal: 2,000 African Union troops set to leave

Thank you for the update.

اقرب مكان للحظة قصف برج الشروق مساء اليوم في غزه فلسطينEXPLOSIONS

Those weapons sound like something so metalic and snake like..... I have never seen that..... it is so frightening....

UN warns of 'maelstrom of human misery' in Gaza

I still don't understand why the world is letting Israel call the shots...... Oh, yeah, because it is not just Israel, it is the writers of the show..... the ones manipulating the destruction, the ones against life...... we must keep our focus and advocate for life and love!

Houthis' 'Encircle Israel' Plan Out; Fighters From North African Nations...

Whatever Israel says is a lie... or a mixed up truth with a lie..... Israel has wanted to expand since before it became an official state..... lots of money made in wars.....

Vanity Fair reports new allegations about RFK Jr.'s conduct

So, it sounds like pharmaceutical companies are paying this journalist...... My only problem with him is that he is anti-Palestine...... he comes right out and says a lot of things that are the truth that are going to make someone want to stop him. But the American public deserve to hear all the candidates who are running debate together!

This Obvious Genocide Is Not What It Looks Like

OMG this made me cry! What a powerful video this is! I am sharing!

Two Muslim Nations From South East Asia To Send Troops To Gaza Amid Isra...

It would be fantastic to see Palestine getting some help that are able to protect themselves so that aid can be distributed and possibly reduce the number of senseless arrests and other atrocities! It also has the potential to make everything worse..... but something has to be done to help keep the Palestine people from starving to death!

Biden Says Climate Change Skeptics Are 'Stupid'

Once I opened my mind to the idea of weather manipulation, which is being done all over, I know all the other surface talk is ridiculous. Someone is making lots of money on these things, and it is difficult to prove because so many believe it is nature. But, just like a dam can hold water back, stuff can be added to the sky to make it rain, or make it drought, and create all the weather, including heat waves and even earthquakes with our current technology. JFK talked about weather control, and methods have only been improving since.

Released Palestinian prisoner finds entire family killed after searching...

We must keep our focus on ethics, wisdom, truth and love. There is a power trying to destroy our hearts, and we must continue to focus on our dream. Free Palestine and keep her people safe forever starting today!

Israel orders mass evacuation of Palestinians from much of Khan Younis

These terrified people are being tortured in so many ways, we want the Palestine people to be free of the sadistic brutality of Israel starting today!

Moment Israeli drone targets group of journalists in Gaza

I love your reporting; however I want the destruction to end, I want Palestine people to be free of the occupation and to be eating fresh foods, drinking clean water, and living in a safe place forever, starting today!

(UN security council announcement for July 2024) LIVE | Russia's Big Ultimatum To 'Arms Supplier' West; Moscow Rejects Ze...

This is a live announcement of the UN schedule with Russia hosting it, and then question and answers....  very nice to listen to!  

(eastern Democratic Republic of Congo) Protest in Butembo against armed group: M23 fighters advancing in easter...

Who is backing who here? UN peace keeping groups were asked to leave 2 months ago, probably made someone angry. People want peace, not war. Mothers want their children to laugh and live and be able to eat fresh food and have clean water!

Monday, July 01, 2024

Israelis Fume At Netanyahu After Shin Bet Frees Al-Shifa Hospital Direct...

I hope they don't try to get him back. I wonder if they connected some kind of AI to his body that he doesn't know about.

Sudan: World's largest hunger crisis?

Ukraine is fighting in Sudan..... Who gave them weapons and money?

Father of 2-year-old Celine discusses her life before and since Israel l...

I am so sorry dear Mohmoud Salma for the horrors your wife and Celine and other children are living with at this moment. I keep praying for a free Palestine with fresh food, clean water and safety forever!

Palestinians flee Khan Younis after a new evacuation order by the Israel...

Israel has the best surveillance known, they sell it to other countries, and yet.... after clearing an area, they can't keep it clear? considering their weapons, armed soldiers, equipment? Is that true, or just more sadistic games they are playing on the people of Palestine? I believe it is the second, or they are very incompetent! What amount of money or power, or something allows their continued slaughter and torture of humans, and all life? We must remain focused on a world where Palestine, and all humans, are free to live in peace with fresh food, clean water and safety!

Supreme Court rules ex-presidents have broad immunity, dimming chance of...

Who is paying the Supreme Court Justices of the USA? They have done some outrageous things these past few years...... what is really going on?

Skin infections spread among displaced Palestinian children living in te...

This makes me cry too! Beautiful people that like to be clean, such a horrible humiliation, and so uncomfortable when people have skin issues, and the smell has to be horrible too, but what can they do? I believe that if this was happening in the USA, people would be attacking each other and it would be much worse, the Palestine people seem to be trying to work together the best they can. Free the people of Palestine and make their country sovereign so they can begin to build a beautiful life again. They will have fresh food, clean water and be safe forever, starting today!

Released Palestinian detainee details torture and dire conditions in Isr...

What a great commentator, just saying the truth as it is! They have suffered, and still do, and are released to hospitals that are badly damaged and short staffed with limited resources, but, they are alive. Hopefully they will heal and be with loved ones. I wonder why they are being released. Free Palestine of the brutal occupation and make them a sovereign state today!

Israeli army releases 50 Palestinians after 7-month detention

They have suffered, and still do, and are released to hospitals that are badly damaged and short staffed with limited resources, but, they are alive. Hopefully they will heal and be with loved ones. I wonder why they are being released. Free Palestine of the brutal occupation and make them a sovereign state today!

Israeli forces release director of al-Shifa Hospital

I am glad Muhammad Abu Salmiya, is alive and what a brave courageous man he is! Israel has no problems with food and water (since they have water, they diverted Palestine water to Israel). Free Palestine, stop the war profiteers! Free us all! Let's build a better world!

Israeli assault on Gaza's Shujayea continues as civilians remain trapped...

If there were any hostages with these people, they have small chances of surviving.... what is Israel trying to do? The only thing I see is they want to continue their game..... their sadistic game..... The world needs to stop this madness, and give Palestine to the people of Palestine, recognizing them as a sovereign state, where they also have protection from harm, and are able to live in peace. Those who make and sell weapons need to make their money doing something else, we humans want a different world of ethics, wisdom, and love!