Tuesday, November 02, 2021

Biden Administration Sued for Vaccine Mandates - What's YOUR Opinion? | ...

Thank you for your wonderful work Brian. I think mandates for COVID vaccines are because the illness itself is so wackedly created, and I do not trust the cure which does not stop people from getting sick from COVID, even dying; however, there have been many with painful life-changing side-effects from the vaccine.I am a 67 year old smoker and RN and do not want to take my chances with the vaccine. Oddly, everyone in my house has had COVID, and I have not, and all of my kids families had COVID, and no one was hospitalized, and in 2020, a lot of the people in the nursing home where I work, including me, were so sick, we felt like we were going to die... but, did not. I take Vit. D, multi-vit, complex vit. B, daily and drink lots of coffee. I try not to eat unhealthy foods, but love chocolate, dark chocolate. Mandating health requirements that go into anyone's system violates their right to be autonomous over their own health care, and goes against everything the health system supports with patient advocacy and being ethical in the promotion of their wishes.


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