Saturday, April 16, 2022

UFO report details explosive witness accounts

They are not new at all, you can find them in ancient paintings and cave walls. Almost all cultures have stories about different kinds of encounters. You could even go as far as say the megalith structures, some of them, were built to land on. Paranoid USA wondering if this is something to worry about knows in reality that they are much more advanced than us and quit doing their dirty work for them, like genetic research and war on the several areas where other aliens are living on the planet. There is much going on that our minds can accept if we are given the truth, and then we will not want to continue with lifestyles that are so materialistic and full of so many ridiculous things, like war and racial issues. Love is the key to knowledge of these beings, and then communication. They are not all good beings, good for humans that is, because they are here to survive too, and they have their own internal history and issues. If you want to be safe, know you are a spiritual being that lives forever, then live your life.


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