Saturday, May 28, 2022

Updated timeline on mass shooting infuriates Uvalde community

I am 67 years old, and when I was in grade school, the doors were locked, I know because I had the job of cleaning the blackboard erasers one day and got locked out, it took me a long time to get help to let me in, and that was in a small town in Wisconsin.

Friday, May 27, 2022

US not 'ready’ for UFO, extraterrestrial contact: Top physicist

There is no question.... is there something.... open your eyes man! What do you think you are looking at? We need to break out of this mind hypnosis!

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Johnny depp and Amber Heard today's entrance to court | Standing ovation...

This is a funny video, I do know there are a lot of things both getting deleted, as well as getting added due to people messing with the social data they want us to see and believe.... I learned that especially from listening to the evidence at this trial.

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Biden signs bipartisan $40 billion military package for Ukraine

Why did Americans not get to vote on if they wanted their money going there.... at least this MUCH of their tax money.... while they suffer in USA!!!!!!

Friday, May 20, 2022

Villagers Experiencing Himalayan Nature ! Tribal People Visit The Himalayas

What a beautiful animal the yak is! Babu looks so great! Everyone is amazing and this video is very well done! How great for them all to go, but some are missing, I wish they all could have gone, but am thrilled that Babu got to see and experience all these things, thank you for doing this for him and sharing the video with us all!

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

'A Significant Win For The Russians': Ukraine Ends Fighting At Mariupol ...

This reminds me of one of those little cars where 50 clowns climb out that no one can figure how they all got in there to begin with.

Saturday, May 14, 2022

Funny Tiktoks about Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard 😂

We all put up with 2 years of being in fear.... and all sorts of other corrupt things going on all over.... and yet.... humans continue with their intelligent wit and I am loving it!!!! Bravo everyone!!!!!

Friday, May 13, 2022

Hunter S. Thompson: The Final 24 (Full Documentary) The Story of His Fin...

For someone who loved firearms and explosions, the ending was in perfect character. His family talked about how everyone knew, even though they did not know the exact day. I hear a lot of people talk negatively, but, we all live our lives, and no one is perfect. The only thing that I would say, is for those who have to clean up the mess after a gunshot suicide, it is a nightmare and too much for anyone to deal with, I wish people knew that. I also believe that physician assisted suicide should be every-ones right and easy to get. It is legal in some states in USA and some other countries because people understand that people do not want to suffer, and everyone knows we treat our pets better. I hope everyone can find the help they need to be comfortable and joyous. I believe mind is strong and capable of a lot, but, I know that pain can make it very difficult to remain calm. I think it would be good if everyone learned some techniques both spiritual and physical that can help when things get feeling overwhelming. Love to you!

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Johnny Depp v Amber Heard Def Trial Day 3-Pre-recorded Video Depo Dr Lau...

It is such a shame that these things had to all be brought out in public. Most, although not all, relationships have struggles, and these two were as mystified by how much their love turned so sour, it sounds like to me. He has to defend himself to the public, now that allegations have been blown up in the public eye manipulated by media, and it is only fair, for his reputation, that we all understand her part in abusing him. I do think we should all realize the insanity of the brutal lawyers questioning, and that it could be any of us for anything, if we did it or not, but if anyone accused of of something, and we might have to deal with such trials just to defend ourselves. It reminds me of the witch trials, or torture in some aspects. And, both of these people are not only professional actors, but are coached by their lawyers, so it could be reasonably assumed that we will never fully know what happened. It seems important to forgive each other, knowing that information.

Saturday, May 07, 2022

If You're One Of Them YOU'LL HAVE THESE SIGNS (They're Amongst Us) | Abr...

“You’re On Your Own” James Franco PREDICTS Amber Will Lose So He Doesn’t...

If I am able to stop this video at 5:50 to get a clear view of her face with no bruising, then so can a good team.

Amber's Storytelling in Private vs. Public

in one she is condescending and angry while in the other she is the not real self and acting like a sad victim of war.....

Friday, May 06, 2022

New Unheard Audio Recording From Australia Is Proving Amber Heard WRONG!

This is where she tells him she hit Johnny first, threw the bottle first, and is using numerous drugs!

Thursday, May 05, 2022

BREAKING : Johnny depp releases a statement in response to Amber Heard's...

Jean-Pierre Says She's Honored to Be New Press Secretary

Well, she is definitely cute and well spoken and should be great in this position which will require plenty of finesse to get around the questions that will come at her during this intense moment in history where probably more Americans are struggling to with so much difficulty just to survive, let alone the stuff that is going on from our country in other places all around the world and within our own government and companies power plays.

Amber Heard Posed for a Photo With a Tissue to Her Face

OMG hahahahahahaha, thanks for pointing this out!

Sunday, May 01, 2022

Evacuation begins of Ukranians trapped at steel mill

Silly sneaky Pelosi, going on a secret mission..... meanwhile... Americans are homeless, hungry, under educated, poor healthcare, and full of their own psychological problems.... but why not let it rot from within, as long as some can afford to live well.....