Friday, May 13, 2022

Hunter S. Thompson: The Final 24 (Full Documentary) The Story of His Fin...

For someone who loved firearms and explosions, the ending was in perfect character. His family talked about how everyone knew, even though they did not know the exact day. I hear a lot of people talk negatively, but, we all live our lives, and no one is perfect. The only thing that I would say, is for those who have to clean up the mess after a gunshot suicide, it is a nightmare and too much for anyone to deal with, I wish people knew that. I also believe that physician assisted suicide should be every-ones right and easy to get. It is legal in some states in USA and some other countries because people understand that people do not want to suffer, and everyone knows we treat our pets better. I hope everyone can find the help they need to be comfortable and joyous. I believe mind is strong and capable of a lot, but, I know that pain can make it very difficult to remain calm. I think it would be good if everyone learned some techniques both spiritual and physical that can help when things get feeling overwhelming. Love to you!


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