Sunday, June 05, 2022

Depp Wins! Just DISTRACTION? Russell Brand Reacts

I thought the case was a surprise look into the understanding that neither of these people are the false images we have from them based on the social presence they have been advertised to be, one ended up being much more likeable than the other here, to me. I also thought the case made me painfully aware of how much information can be taken from electronic sources we send and receive, and possibly do not even remember years ago! I felt painfully aware of the fact that any of us can have information we have put out there, or keep on our private devices, and it could be taken out of context and shared to others to make us look good or bad, this is frightening and glares at me in the face. I was also aware of how quickly the public can mass together for or against others, almost like a witch burning or a hailing of a god! Thank you for your interesting channel!


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