Thursday, July 28, 2022

German Neighborhoods are ILLEGAL IN AMERICA | Zoning & NIMBY-ism

My daughter and I were just talking about this, when I was young, I did not have a car, my husband and I walked to work, to stores, to our apartment. When I moved to California, I could not believe how dangerous it was to go to the store without a car, walking was crazy in most areas, and now that I am back in Wisconsin, the development had made it almost impossible to get everyday needs without a car. Downtown areas in my town are almost empty except for bars, and food stores are on the outskirts of town where no one can easily walk, definitely in the winter with children. The same goes for jobs, the best paying ones are not in the cities, rather on the way outsides of the town making it almost impossible to work without a car. Having a car means, more pollution, more expense with insurance and car payments, regular and unexpected maintenance, as well as riskier to lives since people do die or are injured with their use. And.... a lot of suburbia has HOA rules, which make creativity illegal, there are strict rules on how a persons property should look and what people can do there. Thank you for this video.


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