Sunday, August 07, 2022

Family of man killed on I-45 by tire thrown from a big rig calls for jus...

Ah Jodie
I dont want to get sued like Alex Jones, but, taking kids to a dangerous place like that accident does not seem wise, and it is horrible such a good father and husband died in this accident, but, life is like that, there is not justice to be found. It was an accident, and we all have God with us at all times, I am sure God was with this man at the time of his death. Things could have been much worse, for example the child could have also been killed, or the whole family could have been in the car, or the man could have ended up with injuries that allowed him to live, but in such bad shape he had to spend years in a nursing home. God has it all, we need to find peace in that and there is the justice, from a loving God.


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