Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Ukraine Goes Dark/Europe's Largest Nuclear Plant Down. Black Out. This is from TheReal BPEarthWatch

I love how you talk about the real reason Russia is in there. All these years that Americans knew nothing about what horrors was being done all around the world in the name of USA, and how many came to hate and be terrified of USA... and you come out and tell it as it is as far as what is behind the evil being done. It is good for Americans to be woken up and refuse to assist with the darkness that has been done. I am not saying America is the only one, there is a lot of evil that does not have a true county identity, rather they float all over doing what they want. Just one last thing, I sometimes have hoped our city would have something happen so the lights would be out so I could see the stars. I dont want it to be something bad, but when I went camping far away from lights, I was awestruck. I had no idea how close and how many stars are just there, but, most of us can not see them. Love to all!


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