Sunday, April 16, 2023


Under your video, they put a piece from Encyclopedia Britannica about Contrails, just to let you know. This stuff has been researched by the military to hide aircraft from radar and called chaff since early 1950's, but, weather modification has also been studied and used, and around 10 or 15 years ago, this was talked a lot about and researched by many people, who took samples of the ground and water underneath these, and talked about how plants were changing, and some dying. It mostly got called BS by the media, and told it is perfectly safe as a vapor that comes out of planes and goes away in a short amount of time. But, we can see it is not the same thing and doesn't go away, it dissipates into a wider band that joins with more. Anyone of us can see that. It is obnoxious and obvious and yet we are told it is nothing. Geoengineering is another term. We don't know what all is in it, because most of us cannot get up that high to collect samples, and don't know who is flying those planes. I know if you are going to talk about it, be prepared to get harassed by media forms and people who comment, which many are bots, but also the government on here and all other media, doing the same thing they did with people who were trying to talk about the pandemic. They fly at night too. Sometimes you can see them on weather radar, oddly though a lot of the good radar that used to show it, got shut down also. Intellicast weather was one of the best and has been bought and changed for several years now. Look up some of the words, in private or with VPN if possible, and you will probably find some people to talk to more. On the positive side, many also believe there are those who are putting diffusers into the air that change those lines from being able to do harm. It seriously bothers me a lot, because there are so many things it could be, and in reality, is probably worse than I can even imagine. Love to us all.


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