Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Journalist that needs support too! With Russian DPR Special Forces Recon & Electronic Warfare Team On Ukrai...

New Research Changes Origin of Human Species

A brief point about these particular tattoos.

The signal was still flashing!!!!

OMG is right, this is a good lesson for all of us who drive!

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

U.S.-led NATO troops chased, beaten with sticks by Serbs in Kosovo | Dra...

Peace-keepers...... they don't think so.

Monday, May 29, 2023

Oldest Native American drumming video ever

How this medication killed 60,000 people and no one went to jail

Vioxx is what he is talking about, NSAID, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication. 

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Oklahoma doctors can't figure out man's unknown medical condition

The issue here is that Americans pay insane prices for healthcare, these people will probably be on the streets due to inability to pay those. We need Medicare for all which would be cheaper for the government than what we have now with private insurance companies making profit while citizens end up either not getting care or losing all their money. I hope this man is helped, but in all seriousness, healthcare can not cure everything. Love to them both!

Saturday, May 27, 2023

Berkeley shelter sees results in housing homeless with unconventional ap...

Friday, May 26, 2023

HomeBiogas Bio-Toilet: the eco-friendly solution for the modern home!

HUGE Property Rights WIN at Supreme Court

Researchers debate why orcas are attacking and sinking boats

Hello! Why is obvious..... they don't like what is going on!

Dogs call 911 16 times in 30 minutes

It is hilarious that the dogs did this. I am creeped out though because these two police officers look a lot like the couple that was killed in Moab, Utah USA in Aug. 2021 to me.

Former Governor Jesse Ventura’s Minnesota senate testimony in support of...

Russian forces close dam gates in Ukraine, civilian homes flooded as dam...

These people are amazingly resourceful! Putting bricks under beds, bringing the appliances and furniture to higher ground, wearing hip boots, sitting on picnic table and drinking tea! I am amazed, in USA people would be waiting for rescue boats, these people seem determined to stay and continue working on their land! I am very impressed!

Thursday, May 25, 2023

"9/11 Was the Greatest Military Operation in History" | Jim DiOrio

Michael Moore Freiheit 9/11 movie is great. I think I am going to take a moment here and send blessings to all those who were killed in other countries and USA over this criminal scam. It was a frightening time, because not only were people in USA terrified, but if you said it looked too weird to be what we were being told, people would want to beat you up or kill you, and many people that looked like they were from the middle east were in danger in USA, and people were talking about things like how some people wanted to come to USA and rape and behead everyone. In other countries, people were being chased down and killed, or tortured and taken to prisons, or many other horrible things over something that was not only a lie, but they knew nothing about....... but some were profiting off of it all. Reminds me of the hungry beast from below that demands sacrifices and blood.

"9/11 Was the Greatest Military Operation in History" | Jim DiOrio

Places whose Natives are NOT who You Think They are

90 GOFF STREET, Berkeley Springs, WV 25411 - Single Family - Real Estate...

120,000 $ One link:

Homeless Lady Gets $20,000 And A Job 🥺❤️

Wow! We never know who we are looking at..... nothing wrong with the first view, but she took it up to professional all the way.....  I love this! Thank you and thank everyone! 

Who Really Owns the Federal Reserve

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Possible UFO sighting over U.S. military base

Funny how we need a professional to talk to those who saw it, and he is the one that has to tell us what he is investigating..... hahahahahaha . If he was a professional mental health doctor, he could easily say the people had mass hypnosis... I am glad we now know it is ok to believe it is real.... hahahahaha

This is my eighth year living in China, today I've learned to make brooms

Thousands lining up for compensation, claiming the COVID vaccine made th...

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

WeatherWar101: Sofia Smallstorm on Red Ice Radio

In depth explanation. 

"I don't care if you think I'm Satan reincarnated": Biden #shorts


Monday, May 22, 2023

Sasquatch music festival 2009 - Guy starts dance party

Either the first or the second guy would have been Tom Silbaugh! 

A 123-Year-Old Sod Home

L’Anse Aux Meadows Long House

I wonder where they got the wood, and this looks very much like the long houses of the Indigenous Peoples around these areas.

Removing stripped faucet seat with ease

Friday, May 19, 2023

E.T-Human Hybrid Program is Designed to Help Humanity to Save Itself? #s...

Wednesday, May 17, 2023


Who defines truth

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Ukrainian robot extinguishes a fire at British depleted uranium stockpil...

Made from waste of product for nuclear power plants.... and ok to use on 'them' , the half-life of at least 100 million years...

Monday, May 15, 2023

It's Probably Nothing (Although Very Interesting) Plant Abundance Channel 52023

Well, they are definitely something, but what? Possibly many things. I don't doubt that some of them are alive, there are also Particle pollution, which is getting worse according to scientists, and then there are nanoparticles. I mean you have also seen many things in the sky during the day..... so could be some chaff, which was dropped in the past from the military to block radar....... I hope you are enjoying yourself; this is quite interesting, and your equipment is nice!

Cost of Staying at Hospital in Tokyo

The comments are great for this video, people from all over the world talk about how much it would be where they live, Malasia is free....! 

How to trim a tall tree branch in 20 minutes for only $7 without climbin...

I would not throw a hammer over my head, it just goes against everything I was ever taught, but there are other things, like even a water bottle, that probably wouldn't kill me. All in all, I instantly thought this idea was brilliant, so just ordered the saw, and will listen to some of the recommendations in the comment section too. Thank you all!

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Homeless Man Passes Honesty Test Then THIS Happened!

This is so much love. Nate helped this man and teaches us all to be kind and help when we can! Love, love, love! 

How to Fix Green Water in an Aquarium (Easiest and Cheapest Method)

🦠 COVID-19 Is A Serial Killer: Targets Humans Specifically 💀- Dr. Li-Men...

She is saying we are F..... D...... Remember, this is from 2020!!! She is saying we should not all try to get it, it can target different areas of our body and we can continue to get it over and over. She says that 10% of the DNA in the virus has been changed, and it affects different people differently, and changes with the environment, and people that have other problems will be more at risk, and it even likes weak parts of our body. She says we need to find out what and who created this and we need more investigation. She is saying we need to stay healthy, as healthy as possible, and this whole thing should never have happened. She wrote a report is what she says, and all the information is on it.

Weather Modification/Extreme Tropical Season Coming.

I thought some of it was to discourage people coming up to the border. This winter North Dakota got so much ridiculous blizzards, and here in Wisconsin, every weekend it rains, before that it snowed/ice too, they even called school off which is unusual here, but it was on Friday... You know what you are seeing! Check how the radar looks on College of DuPage. The skies are filled with a lot of weird clouds..... know what I mean. Some people believe in sending energy, love and prayers. Love to all!

Cher - All I Really Wanna Do (The Cher Show, 04/27/1975)

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Ex-CIA EXPOSES The Truth Of The JFK Assassination Cover Up

The Building of the Iroquois Long House 2005

Building a Native American Longhouse with Hand Tools | The Best Natural ...

Friday, May 12, 2023

Willie at the Johnny Carson Show - 1987 - Interview

3:32 question and answer is superb!

Syria Welcomed Back Into Arab League & U.S. FLIPS OUT

Here’s Why The World Hates America

By what she is saying, it sounds like USA is under sanctions right now.

موزیک ویدیو زیبای کیجا و ریکا / iran folk music of mazandran

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Doctors Discovered a New Human Organ that Might be the Immune System

Isn't it weird that it is newly discovered? Thank you Roger!

The Great Flood was Recent If Yales Perfectly Preserved Mudfossils are o...

Executed for Sleeping Around in China


Wednesday, May 10, 2023

აჭარული - ერთი დღე სოფელში Georgia, adjara

The Surgeon General BLATANTLY Lying About COVID Again!

I think they are doing the same thing with the medications for kids to change their sex

Create What You Want With Your Own Thought | Manifest with Fire 2023

John Cleese - Church of JC Capitalist

Tuesday, May 09, 2023

'Why don't we promote peace?' - MEP Mick Wallace- speech from 8 May 2023

Monday, May 08, 2023

Goddess Varahi Solves Problems Quickly and Effectively

Coyote sneaks into Woodland Hills home through doggie door, stands off w...

Sunday, May 07, 2023

How To Retire With No Money Saved Norm and Tina

ALERT! Tucker Carlson DROPS Bombshell EXPOSES Who Really CONTROLS Member...

Antarctica's Largest Explosive Volcanic Eruption

Saturday, May 06, 2023

5/05/2023 --Dutchsinse radar... Something strange is going on with the Weather -- Gravity w...

Friday, May 05, 2023

Who am i and why i live in Russia.Story of my life.

I am impressed, very cool video! I agree, and really liked the men teaching their sons, and the knowledge of how much fathers make a difference in children's lives! I am a woman, and my dad taught me a lot also, I am blessed to have him as a father, and remember, all girls need their dads too!

Thanks Dutch. Massive overlapping scalar hexagons and 1 or more squares....

Thursday, May 04, 2023

‘It took our freedom from us’: Why the Portuguese are leaving Portugal’s...

I never heard of Macau, and now I have looked it up. I am sad for these people, probably many all around the world feel the same about what is important. The journalists said some of the most interesting things.

Roscommon astronomer's 30-year-old UFO theory echoed by Pentagon publica...

Thank you and thank you to all the people with comments and experiences!

Change Your Destiny on this Full Moon Day 542023

'The Godfather of AI' quits Google and warns of its dangers. Why Apple c...

Wednesday, May 03, 2023

The Last Wave (1977)

Aboriginal Dream Time


Clue left behind in recent discovery of mutilated animals

This is some weird human or humans, not aliens, is my belief. 

Family turns to UFO investigator amid rash of animal deaths

The news narrating this like these people are stupid, and the idea of calling a UFO investigator was a stupid thing to do, yet we know these things have been going on for many years with no one ever being caught. (I don't believe anyways). I do know many believe the military is also involved, and that seems to be the closest to human cause as any other answers to the problem. I would be horrified if I saw my animal looking like these reports! Even people that are and have done UFO investigations have been upset over the appearance and the idea of something doing this that humans have no control over.

This Girl has an Incredible Talent ❤

Every kid has this in them! 

Cher - I Got You Babe (with Dame Edna) (Dame Edna's Hollywood, 12/21/1991)

Dame EDNA EVERAGE passed 42023, this has a hilarious point in it, just watch!

Tuesday, May 02, 2023

Waterspout crashes on to beach full of people in Miami, Florida

Monday, May 01, 2023

This Land is Your Land Odetta

Man frustrated by Oakland sideshow gets attacked by crowd

I have never even heard of these things. Does anyone remember the drag races in the old movies? The city could set up a place for this to happen legally, sell food and drinks.... have bleachers for everyone to sit in....

Cannabidiol and covid

Dr John Campbell Censored for Following the Science!

Mars Rover Finds Weird Object On Mars