Sunday, May 14, 2023

🦠 COVID-19 Is A Serial Killer: Targets Humans Specifically 💀- Dr. Li-Men...

She is saying we are F..... D...... Remember, this is from 2020!!! She is saying we should not all try to get it, it can target different areas of our body and we can continue to get it over and over. She says that 10% of the DNA in the virus has been changed, and it affects different people differently, and changes with the environment, and people that have other problems will be more at risk, and it even likes weak parts of our body. She says we need to find out what and who created this and we need more investigation. She is saying we need to stay healthy, as healthy as possible, and this whole thing should never have happened. She wrote a report is what she says, and all the information is on it.


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