Sunday, June 11, 2023

Read comments, more information about the truth. Burned to the Ground: the Canadian village incinerated by record tempera...

Comments below the video: 
1 day ago (edited)
Lytton, British Columbia fire was started by a Canadian Railway Train that had sparks flying from it's wheels as it sped through the town area. There is documented video footage that clearly shows this event happening. The documentary shown here is wrong to say that the town fire was a result of record temperatures. Further to add to the fire "once it was started by the CN train" was the lack of response from the provincial government to provide honest protection. There is a cover-up happening and the story is being whitewashed by such stories as this. Do your research and reveal the truth!!! The provincial parties responsible rely on news agencies like the Guardian to reinforce this lies. 
Further to this story is that Lytton is an town made up of Indigenous people

15 hours ago
yes .. promoting climate change crisis

13 hours ago
There was a freight car of lumber on a train that was on fire several miles south of town just after this fire started so it's obvious that this fire was started by that train.


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