Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Rubio: UFO Whistleblower, David Grusch, NOT THE ONLY ONE. More To Come: ...

The whole alien thing has no political party, and no country..... they are aliens from outside the earth. There are much more than one species, as per ex Defense Minister of Canada, Paul Hellyer (you can watch his videos on YouTube or buy his books), the situation is partially that there is fighting going on with some of the species, and USA military is working with some of those and some of them are in or running banks, businesses, which includes making an army for their own purposes, as per many such as Paul.
Our government does not want us to know, because they are the aliens who are fighting the others, the good ones.... the ones that have been trying to keep secrets are not the good ones, and they control everything at the present.....
This needs to be brought out to the people so we can defund this operation, and many of the other things they are doing that is basically causing destruction, killing, and a lot of pain and agony. Just take a few moments to think where did AI come from, GMO, computers, DNA replication, weapons like we have, weather modification, and so much more? Humans lived for many thousands of years without any of that.... where did it come from? A sudden jump in evolution?
If you look back at some of the amazing buildings from thousands of years ago, you can see evidence of advanced technology, and of wars where some were melted, or blasted to pieces, some believe the same thing happened on Mars. Have you heard about all the thousands of miles of tunnels where people lived in communities over many parts of the world? What was going on then?
Most of us are just trying to make sure our bills get paid; we don't want to be freaked out so bad we poop our pants over what the real situation is..... Yet, we must know..... Many Indigenous peoples have known about them and have stories of encounters, there are some that are good, and we should be working with them and say no to the dark ones doing horrible things here..... that is why it is a secret.


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