Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Barack Obama's brother claims Barack is "definitely gay." Malik Obama Tw...

I don't care who adults have sex with as long as it is another consenting adult human (or maybe alien), I care about who the person is. I don't even understand why this is such an issue with so many people around the world. I also think it is important for kids and adults to have available different ideas..... but I don't think children should be shown pictures of adults having sex, ever.... I do think it is important that kids 12 and up understand how pregnancy works and the body, like medical pictures, and also has in school access to birth control with access to nurse practitioner or doctor, because no matter who likes or doesn't like it, teenagers will be having sex, and will not be able to provide for themselves, so let's help save them from poverty.
We can also teach them about diseases, how to check for breast and testis cancer and how to maintain health. And we should be teaching everyone how to express themselves in emotions and writing so they have a better chance at whatever relationships they choose with love and work. And while we are at it, lets teach them some basic safety measures, CPR, how to cook, and how money works.


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