Thursday, August 24, 2023

Beautiful Wild Radar in Midwest and Coincidence with Heat Wave 82323

I am adding a note I wrote to a concerned friend about the heat, I am putting it here in case the video gets shut down: Hi dear! I have a long version of this, if you are interested, the link is in the description. The key is off to the right of the screen. There is no precipitation, but drought. What clouds may be there are not producing rain.
My focus on this is how far the radar is going out, how many different types of beams there are, how it just happens that the heat wave is up this high into the USA at the same time, and after the radar is doing this activity, and how radar can produce heat... that part is at the ending of the longer version.
My belief is that the radar is having an impact on the atmosphere, and also us. Over the years I have seen many interesting connections. There is a channel, Dutchsinse, who used to talk about these things many years ago, and there was a large group of people who were doing and sharing research. Dutchsinse however was getting harassed, and YouTube even shut down his channel back in 2009 or 13, I am not sure the date.
He now does a lot of earthquake work. I also had a different channel that was shut down by YouTube for something, but they would not tell me.... it was a emotional nightmare actually, and I was not very enthusiastic to do videos again. Once I retired, I vowed to make one video a day, just to see what would happen, but almost everything I do is not very political or controversial.
Once in a while I do though, such in this video, but I am still saying that I am not a meteorologist, and my videos are for entertainment purposes only.
Almost all the weather channels do not show the radar as it is shown on the one channel, but there used to be many, they changed the format, so the strength of the radar is almost invisible to the public, most people have no idea what is going on because it is not shown.... like lying by omission.
So..... that is what this video is all about, I made the short hoping some people might watch the longer version, where I show a lot more, but if you do choose to watch, and you get bored, be sure to watch the very ending where I show what the World Health Organization says about radar. Love you!


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