Monday, August 28, 2023

BURNED ALIVE! Elon Musk Demands Prosecution | Maui Massacre

I am gasping! Finally, people are talking about this stuff with seriousness! Some of this is what needs to be investigated about from the government, but I feel is tied to the Grusch testimony....  These are the things that are a National Security Risk..... and it seems like those driving them have been having a drunken demon party for years now and finally people are SEEING clearer!   I find the information terrifying! Yet, we have to face it, and deal with it......   we will live in peace rather than be under their thumbs! Thank you very much for this video, Hustle B.! 
That is nothing new, just look at history, it is horrifying what people have done to each other. But humans are also resilient, if they survive, and keep moving ahead making beautiful works of art, amazing new ways to help each other, and so many fabulous things! I was listening to Frank Sinatra today where he sings.... Thats life! Each time I find myself flat on my face, I pick myself up and get back in the race.... Thats life!  So, for all those who were harmed here and all over, the rest of us must stand together with love and kindness for each other and bravery to do whatever we need to do! 

3 days ago
It seems everybody can sense the truth but no one is brave enough to speak it aloud because it would be so horrific....
0 seconds ago
and terrifying, because it means people did this with a plan..... but, not only that, they used weapons of high technology to be able to melt metal...


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