Friday, August 04, 2023

South Korean dog meat farmers push back against consumption ban

I love the comments here. Many people think pig meat is totally unhealthy, and one of the reasons it is raised and cheap is because a pig can have 6-10 babies at a time, and they grow fast, where a cow 1 or maybe 2 and they grow slower.... it is about profit, Yet pigs are one of the smartest animals.... smarter than dogs.... All animals can love and get along with humans, and they protect their young, and can play and figure out things.... even fish... Animals have also killed humans, and dogs are one of the worst for killing or causing serious injuries to humans..... The reason for not eating cows in India is because a living cow can provide food every day for families and is compared to a loving mother, it would not be wise to kill them when food is provided daily.... and I know beef is eaten in India too. Whales are another very smart animal, and if people did not eat them, at different places around the world, the people would have died. If humans are going to eat meat, then I believe the animals need to be treated with kindness, fed well, be kept in places where they can move and when it comes time for the butchering, do it fast so there is no pain. That is my thoughts.


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