Wednesday, November 15, 2023

DEBUNKING the IDF’s Alleged Hamas Tunnels: Exposing the Truth Behind Mis...

Wow.... .... Um.... (Why would there be an elevator there though? Unless the plan was for a future building, or maybe one was once there?) The curtains against the wall in the waiting room, or nursing room help make the basement look more appealing... it is a decorating trick that lots of people do, it does look nice, doesn't it? If there were bullet holes on that motorcycle where he pointed out, that is the gas tank under there and it would have blown up. The catch of weapons is less than school shooters have... , ok so maybe it is more, but it is not much to use for a war, for sure. Who knows what IDF did before they filmed this comedy of a evidence video. I love that you say mockery Kim. Those tunnels were never built out of sight of the Israelites unless they were made before 1948, because Palestine has been monitored since at least then.


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