Monday, November 13, 2023

Netanyahu Blames Arabs – Not Hitler – For The Holocaust!

40 weeks of protests? Wow. It is also important to research the history of Israel. Thousands of Palestine's were killed and displaced just to put it where it is, where the Palestine's were living. Israel was set up basically as a military stepping stone for Britain and USA, who have been giving them money, weapons and using them to fight many other countries and people. We were all told a story that hit emotions and is not real. But, it is important to also know that children are innocent, and many people do not agree with war, no matter where it is happening. Most people want to simply live in peace with their friends and families.... not all, but most, and that we are evolving to understand that as a way for us all to move towards. The media keeps trying to get us emotionally involved either thru fear or horror with other wars... keep focused and find the truth. Love to all!


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