Tuesday, November 07, 2023

Pro-Palestinian crowds try to storm air base housing U.S. troops in Turkey

US is not making friends.... US troops have no business there... US needs to take care of its own people..... Can you think about how much better off USA citizens would be if they got rid of most of the over 1000 bases and stations around the world (some the public is not allowed to know about so there may be more) and quit sending money and equipment to other countries to kill people, which raises the interest on the loans taken out, which makes everything cost more to try to pay back the Federal Reserve... which is charging USA (another crazy scheme) and if USA actually had strong, healthy citizens who were well educated, well housed and had healthcare available.... USA does need a military to be able to defend itself, it would be naive to not have this, BUT..... our military comes from the citizens and they need to be top shelf. We need to make friends , real friends, not just corrupt friends, or puppets put in place by the USA to continue their bullying tactics.


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