Saturday, December 09, 2023

Are people waking up to the deception?

I love Richard's view and loving human thinking. 
My short conversation with the flying fish below: 
1 day ago
As someone who researched 911 in great depth back in 2010 I have always been ahead of the curve. In 2014 I understood the pharmaceutical industry had received the biggest fines in criminal history, and that the vaccine programmes were largely nefarious. That’s how far ahead I was, and still am.
Unfortunately the programming is very difficult for most people to see through. Even those in the ‘truth/freedom club’ refuse to understand the blindingly obvious reality that infinite growth on a finite planet was always a lie, and that the monetisation via the criminal banking cartel would inevitably take us to where we now. To the collapse of the planets life support systems. 
Quite a significant number of people have understood that governments do not work for them, and are in fact part of international globalist machine. But until people understand the bigger picture little good will come from this This is because almost all the population are running away from reality. No reality, no people power. It’s that simple.

@flyingfishnet remember, you are not above.... many get deep in due to simple trying to survive.... but your understanding is still a game..... there is more... within and that is more of a wake up.... as long as you are understanding of the depth of the web of deceit and manipulation.... you are still being controlled by them.....  and yourself....  the machine we are in has a lot of DNA memory to clean for true ability to see.....   But, don't be afraid.... you are on the right path....  just be kind to others who are kind and just to all, including yourself....  

My comment: Love to you Richard! A lot of people felt like that from the beginning, but it is very frightening, and many have all sorts of other things on their minds too like simply being able to eat and pay bills. We are also hit with a lot of emotional news flashes, and it is kind of like being caught in a whirlpool and feeling exhausted and not sure if we are going to survive... so yes, they are waking up, have been woken for a long time.... still hoping it isn't possibly true. Now, we are finding they are inserting some of that into animals, plants and even insects.... and the lab work is still being done.... What amazes me is that after thousands of years of the same BS, how do they continue to get people to work for them and are willing to harm others.... greed is a strong seducer.


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