Saturday, December 16, 2023

Infowars' Alex Jones Offers Sandy Hook Families $55 Million After Losing...

Did anyone in the courts actually listen to what it was he was saying?
Has anyone watching this video actually listened to him?
I think it is important for people to be able to state what they see and their viewpoint. When we censor people, we actually only have left the viewpoint of the ones who control what we see/hear..... who is that?
Some of the greatest debates have happened ever when there is free speech. One of the most oppressive things that can happen to people is when journalists are not allowed to speak.
Having evidence is important, and understanding when evidence has been doctored or slanted is a way to learn how to be an intelligent being.
People are intelligent, let them make their own minds up is what a writing class teacher told me, he said give them the information, let them make their own conclusions, don't add opinion, just facts as you see them.


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