Thursday, December 14, 2023

Israel begins pumping seawater into Hamas tunnels. They have the POWER t...

Israel already bombing and dumping cement into many wells and their use of water from the aquifers has resulted in sewage and seawater already backing up into the water in the Gaza region which is why many Palestine's needs to buy water or have been using very little water that is highly contaminated. Israel has set up pumps to bring fresh water to themselves for agriculture, fishponds, drinking and even swimming pools etc. Israel also has great use of the technology of the desalination of seawater, so I am sure they are not worried about anyone being able to live in Gaza, if they say it is ok. There is plenty of oil that people have already gotten deals with from other countries thru Israel. I have to say that the idea of understanding how the world works, and not letting it make us addicts or depressed and making a decision to try to make it better is very inspirational Emil, thank you (although I doubt if you will ever read the comment, maybe someone will and be inspired too! )


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