Friday, December 15, 2023

Israeli troops ki**ed 3 Israeli hostages by mistake. 1 in 5 Israeli sold...

Friendly fire is an oxymoron. 1 in 5! Wow, I wouldn't want to be in that group of soldiers or have my kids there either! In my little town, there are 65,000, that means that 13,000 of them could die under the term.... friendly fire.... I am surprised that Israel is admitting this, it brings down morale and other countries thoughts of their capabilities. What I read about friendly fire is that military usually UNDER report because of those reasons..... think about that... what if they are UNDER reporting that number? I still think it is time to have all of us work on ways to negotiate and how to improve our ethics, so people don't simply want to get in fights with each other so easily and improve our abilities to do some research before we make emotional decisions on the first things we hear. The more we know about the history of what happened there, the more we understand what is going on now and are able to move forward with solutions that are more humane. Maybe all the weapons manufactures could turn their engineering skills to things that will make the planet a better place to live for all of us and still make profits!


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