Thursday, January 11, 2024

Coalition strikes in Yemen by US and UK with support from Australia, Bah...

Bernie Sanders was fighting to get USA out of Yemen...... because there has been too much destruction and death..... and now this..... What a horrendous game is being played with people's lives. These behaviors are an assault to humanity! The occupation of the Palestine people needs to end. We must continue to focus on our dream of a world where people can live in peace with each other and have enough water, food, air and shelter to live decent lives with their families without fear of others with bigger weapons bringing destruction to them.
How do they do it? Bomb specific places? Technology is amazing, isn't it? They also use AI.... you could see it being used a lot in Ukraine..... but was also used for the past 20 years, with improvements. They can also tell where you are and target any one of us if they want..... I mean.... it is very freaky if you think about it for one moment!


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