Sunday, January 14, 2024

First Lady Erdogan visits 16 children brought to Türkiye from Gaza at th...

These are just a few of those who need help, but it is a beautiful loving thing that they were brought into safety to have the help they need. Family members with them, all is calmer and helps the healing process. I think the Palestine people are some of the most beautiful people I have ever seen. We can see that some of those patients will have a hard life, with amputations and brain injuries! I wish all of their family members could be brought to Turkey, if they wish, and have safe good lives. I know that some of this visit is PR, but she is still really kissing them and touching them and giving the mothers hugs, she is sincere, I see that! May we all have peace and end the insanity of power over games of destruction and profit for a few.


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