Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Freed hostage held by Hamas speaks on living conditions

Her house is like that from the IDF, they have said this in videos trying to get HAMAS. She still has a home to build around and fix, many of the Palestine people do not, and some of the reason for that is them being stolen by Israel. She also is not really saying anything bad, no torture, no rape, no cold at night. Going to the bathroom in a trash can is not that big of a deal, many do that when they go camping for fun! I understand not having food when she wanted, but she had food! And they let her go home with her children..... how many Palestine children are dead? or their parents? Look at that fence near her house..... why, because they took the peoples land on the other side of it..... and are afraid of them..... why.... because they are unfair and unethical. Look at the big picture here!


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