Sunday, February 18, 2024

(2/18/2024) Israeli forces are building a fortified highway cutting Gaza into two

Some of the destruction, like this, would only make life harder for them, if they did win. They bomb and block wells with cement, they tear out trees that are mature, they destroy land for agriculture, they bomb centuries old buildings and temples, they completely destroy beautiful homes and destroy infrastructure like the hospitals, libraries, schools, water treatment facilities...... why? Well, it does a few things, ensures profit into the companies that make weapons, ensures profit to those companies that will rebuild, and it makes a huge emotional wound in other humans..... The occupation needs to end now, Palestine must become an independent country, no further weapons or money sent to Israel, who obviously have plenty. They give free visits to politicians and students from all over the world, they donate plenty of money into lobbying in governments, and they buy weapons not to defend but destroy.


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