Sunday, February 25, 2024

Israeli embassy self-immolation: Man suffers life-threatening injuries i...

Thich Quang Duc is a famous Buddhist monk for doing this practice of self-immolation because there were photographs shared all around the world the protest of the Vietnam war but has been a practice for several centuries. It does not mean the person has any mental issues, it is a protest, but I do not know this person's intentions.
I was thinking of Thich Quang Duc just last night, and also all the people who have gone on hunger strikes in history. I could not do either. I send blessings to this person that he/she may find comfort.
I also cannot believe this channel did a close up of the charred remains of a human's body and clothing on that cement..... Just an FYI... white phosphorus, used by Israel on the Palestine people burns when wet, and through tissue until it is completely burnt up, it ruins soil, and kills plants, animals and HUMANS.


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