Wednesday, February 21, 2024

South Africa Says Palestinians Are Enduring Extreme Form of Apartheid

I agree with everything they say about the illegal occupation, and the horror of what the Palestine people are put through by Israel, I want the occupation to end also, however I got a nauseating feeling in my stomach thinking about how this hearing, with all it's research, truth, honor, intelligence, and wisdom may not do a thing to prevent Israel from continuing what it is doing. Israel and USA do not even recognize this court. I don't want more people harmed, anywhere, but I don't know how to stop this horror that is happening not only to the Palestine people, but other places in the world. We must continue trying to help though, no matter how small or helpless we feel.
The truth is this could happen to any of us no matter where we live, and we would want others to help us too if they could. Somehow our world needs to evolve to an understand of how we are all connected and what a better place we can build with truth and love rather than lies and hate, sharing rather than stealing, and working together with creative ways to make sure all have shelter, clean water and air and enough to eat plus access to healthcare and education. Love to us all!


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