Saturday, February 17, 2024

They're Dehumanizing Russians. Have You Wondered Why?

Great video! The number of reasons we should feel fear or hate towards different groups is really pushed in USA where I am from, is intense! When you talk about the drones showing the killing, I am so shocked, the war technology has changed a lot. I old enough to have been around when people were protesting the Vietnam war and didn't even want my son to have toy guns. I remember one day he shaped a cracker into a little gun by biting pieces of it off, and I realized he has been exposed, so thought it was important to teach my kids HOW to use guns safely.
I was also shocked when I saw some of the shooting/killing video games that were out for kids many years ago and have only gotten more realistic. I believe they desensitize people about killing others. I heard others say that too, but I believe it. If anyone listens to people when they are playing some of them, or even just sitting for 10 minutes watching one being played, it is appalling the amount of violence in them, and they have gotten so realistic that it is creepy. People who enjoy playing those games are some of the people that are now controlling those drones and watching it happen too.
I also believe some of the responses on those videos of that are from bots and people that have been paid to write them. It encourages more hate and unethical behavior from others when they read the comments like that from others, and it also works the other way. Sometimes I have seen where people will attack the channels that promote the opposite of the general comments, so I think some who want peace are afraid to even comment on some videos, also those who want peace are less likely to watch the hate videos and the other way around with that too. It seems like that allows groups of people to continue and not much thinking deeply.
Thank you for being a love warrior!


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