Thursday, March 21, 2024

(911 Captain Philip Marshall ) Unthinkable∶ An Airline Captain's Story - The Philip Marshall Case

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The Case of Captain Philip Marshall The late United Airlines B-767 Captain Philip Marshall had published two books concerning the lies of 9/11 and was about to publish a third book. He told his neighbors that he was being threatened. Shortly thereafter, his two teenage children and family dog were found shot to death in his family home and Philip had been shot in the head. Police ruled it a murder/ Philip had murdered his two children and the family dog before committing suicide. Philip kept his book manuscript hidden in the house. It was missing. The California Attorney General at the time never ordered a further criminal investigation into the matter. Her name was Kamala Harris, the current Vice President of the United States. His two previous books published were: The Big Bamboozle: 9/11 and the War on Terror
False Flag 911: How Bush, Cheney and the Saudis Created the Post-911 World… This is a must-watch documentary on the event: Unthinkable∶ An Airline Captain's Story - The Philip Marshall Case… You be the judge. In memory of Captain Marshall and his two children, it is requested that you help make this post go viral by reposting it.


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