Friday, March 22, 2024

(I disagree, read my note) Schumer's Shameful Speech Targeting Israel Is Deeply Disturbing For U.S....

Mr. Steve Forbes, normally I love watching videos here, and your information. On this one, I totally disagree. All people deserve to be free, and I don't want my tax money to go to a group that is committing atrocities to another group of people. I don't want any people to be killed or harmed..... but America has had to change some laws and behaviors to give freedom to many that were not included in the beginning of its creation, even women were not allowed to vote, and true changes that improve people's lives is important. Mr. Schumner was courageous in his speech. I also believe if we give weapons to a country that we know is using them to kill others, we are guilty of committing those crimes.


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