Monday, March 25, 2024

Israel-Hamas War | UNSC lays down terms of ceasefire

I am skeptically happy! I do not trust Israel, or USA..... But.... I am so happy that so many wonderful loving people are trying to help and free the people of Palestine! We can all see ourselves in their situation, and no one wants to live like they have lived with their friends and families torn to pieces, land stolen and destroyed with white prosperous and other methods, and rich historic areas treated like nothing. I would not give up my negotiating tools so quickly though if I were the Palestine people until recognition of a free and sovereign nation was present, and the occupation was ended.
Buildings can be restored, plants can be regrown (if there is non-polluted land), water can be found through rerouting the original water ways that Israel has stolen, families can eat and sleep together in peace, and the whole population will become healthier and strong again.... but will carry the pain for generations. We will help you with your burdens, we can all work together with ethics and love!


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