Sunday, March 31, 2024

Israeli War Crimes COVERED UP By UK Government

I don't think it is complicit..... I think that word isn't the definition, they are criminals doing it too, USA too! And besides the bombs, and all the other weapons, what about the soldiers that fought in the IDF with dual citizenship? Complicit sounds to weak.... they are and have been involved completely with Netanyahu simply the title, but all have equal weight in the slaughter, torture, psychological terror, wrongful imprisonment, slow culture death, stealing of property, forceful suffering from poor water sources due to rerouting of water resources bombing of wells and pouring cement into them until the underground water has been depleted allowing for sewage and salt water into supplies, and bombing agricultural areas with white phosphorus which lingers for years destroying chances to grow food, and on and on and on..... and allowing such groups that bribe government officials with direct payments, free vacations and who knows what all...... even when it harms the citizens of their own countries...... no, no, no, the willful participation is a better description of what they have done!


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