Thursday, April 25, 2024

Mohammed El-Kurd EXPOSES Israel’s Operation Distraction

I agree with you! The mind game has been going on for a long time. It was really intense with the truth when the pandemic was going on, and people got so emotional they wanted to kill people that didn't agree with the vaccine. The emotional pull is powerful, they are good at telling lies! This reminds me of how the people in advertising try to get people to buy their product, very powerful. It is difficult for people to SEE and then argue with their own belief systems. But we are all Palestine people, we are all together. We are being targeted at this moment; data is being collected on every person. We cannot bring back those who have died in Palestine, but we can try to prevent any more from dying and being oppressed! We can create a world of truth, ethics, and love! We can tell the bullies and war mongers that we do not need them anymore, our world is going to be changed now. Love to us all!


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