Friday, April 19, 2024

Should the balloon go up!

Darling Richard, don't get behind a cow like that, I love you and your wife and don't want anything to happen to you! Hand milking is a good skill to use. I have been looking at slings.... like sling shots only, it is a little pouch on a rope.... a very great tool for hunting and protection.... but, a person needs to practice! Get to know some edible wild plants! Learn how to make a simple shelter and start a fire.... there are even homemade techniques to have clean water. What makes me think these ways is, look at the refugees that lost their shelter and are running..... it could happen to any of us anytime! You could be surrounded by edible plants but starve to death if you don't know you can eat them, or poisonous plants you eat and die! And.... learn to make shoes! From all sorts of things! Also rope! Love to us all! Remember our ancestors survived without electricity! We have information in our DNA!


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