Monday, May 20, 2024

Israel EMBARRASSED as Yemen, Iraq, Lebanon, Iran, and Syria Crush IDF w/...

I feel like the Palestine people are my family too! I feel like we all have been used and lied to on so many levels. Most of us want to do good, and treat others kindly, we do not want our tax money to kill people! We want our family and other people's families to be happy and us all live in peace. When a child is a bully, we stop them, and try to teach them to act better.... when an adult is a bully, we fine them or jail them... Israel is a bully that is used by USA and Europe.... and visa-versa.... many of the people of Israel also want peace.... People in the background are making money and keep churning out lies to keep us fighting, destructive, afraid, hating..... rather than being ethical and wise as we humans are capable of, we want to live, we want to love, we want peace! Love to us all!


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