Friday, May 31, 2024

Resurfaced Video of 28 Year-Old Benjamin Netanyahu’s Eerie Prediction

Netanyahu, Benjamin 
Ben Natay 
This is the Rubin Report link:
It is a clip of Benjamin talking when he was 28, but I don't know where. My reply/comment to the video is below:
His name here was Ben Nitay. I believe he chose that name, so he sounded like a white boy from USA for a while. Wikipedia does a good history of him, he was quite the student, amazing in fact. I don't like his beliefs, but he probably has more credentials and military service than many USA officials. 
If you listen, what he says the Palestine paper says is to destroy the Zionist state.....  Many Jewish do not like the Zionists either! 
The man smiling is Palestinian is Naseer Aruri, who has a long scholarly history also, only working for human rights. He was born in Mandatory Palestine (that was the name of where Israel and Palestine now are, yes it was called that in 1934) and went to the USA for college. I believe his grin is that he does not agree with what Ben Nitay is saying, and in all fairness, we should be listening to the whole program this was taken from. 
What Ben says here, is full of racism and just plain not the truth. It is important to know a lot about Ben's family too....  You can do that on your own.   
 What I deeply believe is that all people have a right to live, as long as they do no harm to others, and that in the case of Israel, everyone was screwed over except some Zionists, and manipulated in deep emotional levels for profit and control. 
Some Christians are Zionists too, and they wanted control of oil, the land for strategic purposes, and even the ancient power of the area, and they used everyone in every way they could. 
Jewish people deserve to live just as much as Christians and Islamists and any other religion and nationality, but not by killing and stealing.....  people are going to fight back when you try to take their land and kill them.....  the idea that Palestine's are terrorists is ridiculous.... they are acting the way most of us would act if someone came into our home and beat us up and told us we had to leave. 
Once, the area had different people living together peacefully....  USA makes money selling weapons, drugs, anything else they can.....  and they are not the only country with their hands in the pie there.....   We all were manipulated..... and it has been done many times..... we need to wake up and stop the war machine..... we can make our world a peaceful loving place, where everyone has enough food, clean water and air, and shelter. Love to us all! 


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