Tuesday, June 04, 2024

(632024 Please read my note) WATCH: State Department Spokesperson Details ‘What Hamas Is Capable Of’ ...

This is a comment from a viewer whose name is 
@coldstorage6928 5 hours ago: 
I wish to know how Israel managed to run a super power like USA from across the Ocean and sea in the middle east ? 

i have watched the press breafings on this page, am astonished more than shocked, A super power self proclaimed democracy is run by a middle eastern country by a president who has been in power longer than president Xi of China 

A president with more conflicts than Putin , and that person is being invited to address usa congress , 

Truth is the people who run Usa and have control of all the business, military might , nuclear arsenal, constitution , foreign policy are in Israel and some are in the usa parliament with dual citizenship 

USA is a Israel colony pretending to be a superpower the real power and authority is a Jewish prime minister in the middle east

This is my reply: 
@coldstorage6928    Israel is not running USA.....  USA is not running USA.....  dig deeper. Get wilder..... ask your subconscious the question.....  we all know the answer, deep in there.....  it has been ongoing for a while now.....  but, there are also strong positive ones.....  Stay aware....  protect yourself....   find your inner real self and stay focused..... make little signs around where you live to keep yourself awake....  Love to you! 


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