Wednesday, November 02, 2022

10 SIGNS That You Are Ready to Retire

(Note to ZoomZoom on this video channel after he wrote about going island to island without seeing anyone and loving it) I thought something like that.... funny thing is... the first few days were sort of a weird transition.... a grieving I think.... then... I have found myself getting into it more and more. I was going to join some senior groups and see my grandkids more... but... have found myself loving sitting outside with coffee, taking a drive by myself.... sitting up late alone with no one around.... not changing my clothes often.... not showering often.... just absorbing the sun and stars.... and realizing how much time I wasted at work when I could have been living.... and now I am old and get tired after raking for 10 minutes.... so.... I am connecting to something.... me and the universe.... one day I will reconnect to people more... perhaps


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