Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Are you Prepared for the COVID Tsunami of Deaths?

The amount of pressure was intense, we should never forget that and we should not ever judge people for getting or not getting it. I felt shaky and wasn't sure of what to do at times, I even almost recommended it to a few of my family members who are overweight because I was afraid for their lives... but, I didn't. I have two family members who did get it, one wanted it, and the other wanted to keep his job, everyone else didn't.
I was actually more afraid of the injection than the virus. Oddly, I am an old lady, and never got the virus even though I worked in health care, I never got the injection either because of allergies to polyethylene glycol I got a Dr. excuse, but everyone else did, and no one had to go to the hospital, although there were a few who felt a little short of breath and everyone lost their sense of smell, otherwise like a normal flu that didn't feel good for a few days. My co-workers that got the injection felt like they were going to die they said when they got the virus.... and they were also shocked that they got it after getting the injection.
Also we were all surprised about the issues the women were having with their menstruation changing after the injection, that really terrified me when they started noticing it and talking. What else I noticed was how many complained about breathing problems, me included, from wearing the masks we were told we had to wear. They have since discovered that tiny fibers from those masks go into peoples lungs.
Probably one of the worst things that happened is how much people got angry at others, were frightened, quit talking to family and friends, some couldn't visit loved ones in nursing homes and hospitals, and the amount of common sense that people seemed to lose, to the point of knowing things didn't make sense, but still following along or simply not standing up and speaking out loud about it all. (and then there is the shut down of those who did).


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