Saturday, August 05, 2023

Pilots Report SWARM-LIKE Objects In Military Zones Amid UAP MOMENT: Report

What they don't think the public is ready for is the alien involvement in everything, and now the military too..... Listen to the ex-Defense Minister of Defense of Canada Paul Hellyer here on YouTube, his last video Liberation and he has several books too....... there is more than one species of aliens, USA picked the not so good ones to hang with. There are also wars with some of these different species ..... and when funding goes to build ships and technology that is capable of harming other species..... well, that is some of the information they don't care to have the citizens know.... just like the secrets in war.... many things that are not good.... If you want to know what they look like, (which has been out for at least 15 years), look up The Alien Races Book by Dante Santori. That is free and online, and you might find it easier looking under:
THE TRANSLATED RUSSIAN 'SECRET BOOK OF ALIEN RACES' Collection opensource Language English


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