Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Richard Vobes Is something else going on?

I am surprised that no one seems to have answered your question. I am a little afraid to, since I know everything is being watched, but, What else is going on...... well, perhaps it is that there are more and more homeless in USA, and European countries, more and more people going hungry all over, more money being poured into wars in Ukraine, Syria, Haiti, and other places,
money still being funneled into black opps, news about businesses finding, having and creating highly advanced tech from the UFOs and possibly even working with some aliens... not the good ones obviously....
let's see.... money worth less and less west of Russia, Africia refusing to be used, just for a few things...... Meanwhile, citizens fed information about why we should fear each other, and pushing some to extremes or even paying them to do some crimes.... food quality getting worse, and possibly less.... I mean....
that barely touches the surface of global things, like the fact that biolabs are still running.... what?
Geeze...... It does seem sometimes like the trickster has to have sacrificial blood and sadistic fun everyday.... doesn't it?


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