Wednesday, December 20, 2023

18 months in an Israeli prison, a Palestinian detainee’s story | Al Jaze...

When the Oct. 7th issue happened, I did not know much about anything.... I had a difficult time thinking that people who were killed, tortured, discriminated against, would do anything similar...... it was very difficult for me to have it make sense..... but I found out a lot, and now things make sense....
it is difficult to believe that people treat each other these ways, but they do, and it is an important thing to recognize as part of what humans are capable of, and much more.... but we are also capable of fantastic kindness, beauty, art, music, healing, caring, and love!!!!! We will work together to support the positive and try to transform the negative, or at least work together and help each other to be strong and avoid the negative. Love to all!


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