Friday, January 12, 2024

Hundreds Of Thousands In Sanaa, Yemen, Demonstrate Against U.S. & U.K. S...

It is a very simple concept.... people want to be free.... some are not being treated as humans and some are trying to help them..... there are those who want only power and profit, and they have a lot of money and weapons but no heart for any they harm, people, animals, plants, earth...... what it looks like is one thing that the news pushes from each side...... If anyone studies history, they will be able to see how the bullies' anger those oppressed by the bullies..... it is a matter of ethics and morality.
Most of us little people don't have a lot of power in the decisions that politicians make, but we can learn, and we can try to be the best people we can be. We can do little things that are ethical and moral. We can be kind and loving. We can speak up and we can even use prayers and meditation to try to keep a balance and even tip it a little so there is more positive than negative.
I think a lot about the teachings of master's that advocated peace and love. I also think of the song by John Lennon... Imagin.


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